Jennifer Jones
My particular field of interest is in hand woven textiles, created using hand weaving looms and all associated equipment. I am concerned with investigating that further. In addition, I deplore the thoughtless disposal of waste and to ensure I do not contribute to that, 90% of all my work is made from materials and yarns I already possess. By gathering together all my experiences and knowledge I now exploit that potential to design and develop new, possibly novel, surfaces and methods.
The work is a continual exploration and investigation of the relationship between fibre and structure in woven cloth. Often organic and architectural, my cloths are the result of a methodical and carefully contemplated juxtaposition of warp and weft yarns, introducing tension and space in an unexpected manner. I construct expressive, three dimensional surfaces, often introducing layers to cause controlled distortion elsewhere within the piece.
Every piece is an evidential stage in my journey to move ideas of woven cloth away from the flat planes of fabric. I expect each one to comfortably inhabit its own undefined space. My aim for every piece is to provoke inquiry and reflection. Each piece is unique and designed to invite the observer to query their own ideas about cloth and to consider the potential therein.